: This component is used for mass update . List all the contents
based on query then it will update it.
This is training material . all versions of java class and final versions of all the templates are available at the bottom of page
detailed steps to add service , template etc in component
Basic Steps
1.Create form templates to provide the query for contents
2.Create java class which runs the GET_SEARCH_RESULT
3.Create template to display contents
4.Create java method ,to run the UPDATE_DOCINFO in a loop
Detailed Steps
Add component using component wizard
2.Add service: MASS_UPDATE_FORM
Type Template as : mass_update_form
Template : mass_update_form
paste the contents from bottom of the page : mass_update_form.htm
Add new Resoure , (use option 1) , select Static html
: custom_finish_layout_init
Text box :
“item”, 'id==MASS_UPDATE_FORM”, “label==MASSUPDATE”,
10.In File system , Create a folder structure like this :
Custome component dir : classes/simpleJava
: <UCM domain>/ucm/cs/custom/simpleJava/classes/simpleJava
the attached java class to there( ToListContent.class)
new resource :3r (Html Table)
13.Select service handler and save it
14. Edit it :
Component class from Build --> Build settings
16.Advanced Settings of build
17,Build and install The new component
sure that : java class is compiled using 1.6 JDK for 1.6 JDK WCC
test the issue , call the idcservice , MASS_UPDATE_FORM ,Provide the
details like
<matches> weblogic
verify everything :
simpleJava as Trace section in system audit
info page and provide any value . After that below entry should in
system trace :
is mention in the class file
this shows java class is referred by idcservice .
2 :
19.Create a template name: list_contents_submit
step 4 :
the component again.
Create new idcservice : BULKUPDATE_CONTENTS
23 .
Update : ToListContent .java with new method toUpdateContentsMain()
Verify UpdateQuery on system audit info page:
will fail there .
need to add java script to calculate the dID and Need to update the
htm file
4 :
Modify list_contents_submit.htm with latest version 3
the WCC
list_contents_submit.htm will send list of dID to
update conformation_massupdate with latest version 3
Screen shots of the flow
call : IdcService=MASS_UPDATE_FORM
provides : dDocAuthor <matches> `weblogic`
call : IdcService=MASS_UPDATE_FORM
provides : dDocAuthor <matches> `weblogic`
It will list all the contents . Provide update query
like : xComments=NEW coments from custom component
All the contents will be updated
: To compile the java file , you need to add idcserver.jar in the
class path
Version 1 of ToListContent.java
package simpleJava;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import intradoc.common.*;
import intradoc.data.*;
import intradoc.server.*;
import intradoc.shared.*;
* This is the code that can be executed by any Idc service that has a
* service type of "NewCheckinFolderService".
public class ToListContent extends DocServiceHandler
* This code will create a html page based on the data in the databinder,
* and email it to the list of addresses specified by the user.
public void toListContentsMain() throws DataException, ServiceException
String Fquery;
Fquery = m_binder.getLocal("Fquery");
traceVerbose( "Data 2 is " + Fquery) ;
private void executeService(final DataBinder serviceBinder, final String serviceName) throws ServiceException
traceVerbose("Start executeService");
try {
trace("Calling service " + serviceName + ": " + serviceBinder.getLocalData().toString());
// Execute service
m_service.getRequestImplementor().executeServiceTopLevelSimple(serviceBinder, serviceName, m_service.getUserData());
trace("Finished calling service");
} catch (final DataException e) {
trace("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName);
throw new ServiceException("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName, e);
} finally {
traceVerbose("End executeService");
private static void trace(final String message)
Report.trace("simpleJava", message, null);
private static void traceVerbose(final String message)
if (Report.m_verbose)
Version 2 of ToListContent.java
package simpleJava;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import intradoc.common.*;
import intradoc.data.*;
import intradoc.server.*;
import intradoc.shared.*;
* This is the code that can be executed by any Idc service that has a
* service type of "NewCheckinFolderService".
public class ToListContent extends DocServiceHandler
* This code will create a html page based on the data in the databinder,
* and email it to the list of addresses specified by the user.
public void toListContentsMain() throws DataException, ServiceException
String Fquery;
Fquery = m_binder.getLocal("Fquery");
traceVerbose( "Data 2 is " + Fquery) ;
m_binder.putLocal("QueryText",Fquery );
intradoc.data.ResultSet conteninfo = m_binder.getResultSet("SearchResults");
// traceResultSet(conteninfo, "SearchResults");
public void toUpdateContentsMain() throws DataException, ServiceException {
String Uquery,ListdID,ListdDocName;
Uquery = m_binder.getLocal("Uquery");
ListdID = m_binder.getLocal("ListdID");
ListdDocName = m_binder.getLocal("ListdDocName");
traceVerbose( "Uquery is " + Uquery) ;
traceVerbose( "ListdID is " + ListdID) ;
traceVerbose( "ListdDocName is " + ListdDocName) ;
private void executeService(final DataBinder serviceBinder, final String serviceName) throws ServiceException
traceVerbose("Start executeService");
try {
trace("Calling service " + serviceName + ": " + serviceBinder.getLocalData().toString());
// Execute service
m_service.getRequestImplementor().executeServiceTopLevelSimple(serviceBinder, serviceName, m_service.getUserData());
trace("Finished calling service");
} catch (final DataException e) {
trace("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName);
throw new ServiceException("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName, e);
} finally {
traceVerbose("End executeService");
private static void trace(final String message)
Report.trace("simpleJava", message, null);
private static void traceVerbose(final String message)
if (Report.m_verbose)
private void traceResultSet (final intradoc.data.ResultSet rs, final String name) {
int rowCount = 0;
int columsize = rs.getNumFields();
for(rs.first(); rs.isRowPresent(); rs.next())
for (int j=0;j< columsize ; j++)
String key = rs.getFieldName(j);
String value = rs.getStringValueByName(key);
traceVerbose( key + " " + value);
traceVerbose("Going to Next Row ---");
Version 3 of ToListContent.java
update the toUpdateContentsMain()
public void toUpdateContentsMain()
throws DataException, ServiceException
String s = m_binder.getLocal("Uquery");
String s1 = m_binder.getLocal("ListdID");
String s2 = m_binder.getLocal("ListdDocName");
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("Data 2 is ").append(s).toString());
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("ListdID ").append(s1).toString());
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("ListdDocName ").append(s2).toString());
String as[] = s1.split("\\s+");
String as1[] = s.split("=");
String as2[] = s2.split("\\s+");
int i = -1;
String s3 = "";
String as3[] = as;
int j = as3.length;
for(int k = 0; k < j; k++)
String s4 = as3[k];
m_binder.putLocal("dID", s4);
m_binder.putLocal(as1[0], as1[1]);
m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "UPDATE_DOCINFO");
m_binder.putLocal("dDocName", as2[i]);
executeService(m_binder, "UPDATE_DOCINFO");
s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append(" \n\n").append(s3).append(" ContentID ").append(as2[i]).append(" is updated with new ").append(as1[0]).append(" value is ").append(as1[1]).append(" \n").toString();
m_binder.putLocal("messageFromCode", s3);
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("messageFromCode ").append(s3).toString());
Final version of list_contents_submit.htm
Version 1 of ToListContent.java
package simpleJava;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import intradoc.common.*;
import intradoc.data.*;
import intradoc.server.*;
import intradoc.shared.*;
* This is the code that can be executed by any Idc service that has a
* service type of "NewCheckinFolderService".
public class ToListContent extends DocServiceHandler
* This code will create a html page based on the data in the databinder,
* and email it to the list of addresses specified by the user.
public void toListContentsMain() throws DataException, ServiceException
String Fquery;
Fquery = m_binder.getLocal("Fquery");
traceVerbose( "Data 2 is " + Fquery) ;
private void executeService(final DataBinder serviceBinder, final String serviceName) throws ServiceException
traceVerbose("Start executeService");
try {
trace("Calling service " + serviceName + ": " + serviceBinder.getLocalData().toString());
// Execute service
m_service.getRequestImplementor().executeServiceTopLevelSimple(serviceBinder, serviceName, m_service.getUserData());
trace("Finished calling service");
} catch (final DataException e) {
trace("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName);
throw new ServiceException("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName, e);
} finally {
traceVerbose("End executeService");
private static void trace(final String message)
Report.trace("simpleJava", message, null);
private static void traceVerbose(final String message)
if (Report.m_verbose)
Version 2 of ToListContent.java
package simpleJava;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import intradoc.common.*;
import intradoc.data.*;
import intradoc.server.*;
import intradoc.shared.*;
* This is the code that can be executed by any Idc service that has a
* service type of "NewCheckinFolderService".
public class ToListContent extends DocServiceHandler
* This code will create a html page based on the data in the databinder,
* and email it to the list of addresses specified by the user.
public void toListContentsMain() throws DataException, ServiceException
String Fquery;
Fquery = m_binder.getLocal("Fquery");
traceVerbose( "Data 2 is " + Fquery) ;
m_binder.putLocal("QueryText",Fquery );
intradoc.data.ResultSet conteninfo = m_binder.getResultSet("SearchResults");
// traceResultSet(conteninfo, "SearchResults");
public void toUpdateContentsMain() throws DataException, ServiceException {
String Uquery,ListdID,ListdDocName;
Uquery = m_binder.getLocal("Uquery");
ListdID = m_binder.getLocal("ListdID");
ListdDocName = m_binder.getLocal("ListdDocName");
traceVerbose( "Uquery is " + Uquery) ;
traceVerbose( "ListdID is " + ListdID) ;
traceVerbose( "ListdDocName is " + ListdDocName) ;
private void executeService(final DataBinder serviceBinder, final String serviceName) throws ServiceException
traceVerbose("Start executeService");
try {
trace("Calling service " + serviceName + ": " + serviceBinder.getLocalData().toString());
// Execute service
m_service.getRequestImplementor().executeServiceTopLevelSimple(serviceBinder, serviceName, m_service.getUserData());
trace("Finished calling service");
} catch (final DataException e) {
trace("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName);
throw new ServiceException("Something went wrong executing service " + serviceName, e);
} finally {
traceVerbose("End executeService");
private static void trace(final String message)
Report.trace("simpleJava", message, null);
private static void traceVerbose(final String message)
if (Report.m_verbose)
private void traceResultSet (final intradoc.data.ResultSet rs, final String name) {
int rowCount = 0;
int columsize = rs.getNumFields();
for(rs.first(); rs.isRowPresent(); rs.next())
for (int j=0;j< columsize ; j++)
String key = rs.getFieldName(j);
String value = rs.getStringValueByName(key);
traceVerbose( key + " " + value);
traceVerbose("Going to Next Row ---");
Version 3 of ToListContent.java
update the toUpdateContentsMain()
public void toUpdateContentsMain()
throws DataException, ServiceException
String s = m_binder.getLocal("Uquery");
String s1 = m_binder.getLocal("ListdID");
String s2 = m_binder.getLocal("ListdDocName");
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("Data 2 is ").append(s).toString());
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("ListdID ").append(s1).toString());
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("ListdDocName ").append(s2).toString());
String as[] = s1.split("\\s+");
String as1[] = s.split("=");
String as2[] = s2.split("\\s+");
int i = -1;
String s3 = "";
String as3[] = as;
int j = as3.length;
for(int k = 0; k < j; k++)
String s4 = as3[k];
m_binder.putLocal("dID", s4);
m_binder.putLocal(as1[0], as1[1]);
m_binder.putLocal("IdcService", "UPDATE_DOCINFO");
m_binder.putLocal("dDocName", as2[i]);
executeService(m_binder, "UPDATE_DOCINFO");
s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append(" \n\n").append(s3).append(" ContentID ").append(as2[i]).append(" is updated with new ").append(as1[0]).append(" value is ").append(as1[1]).append(" \n").toString();
m_binder.putLocal("messageFromCode", s3);
traceVerbose((new StringBuilder()).append("messageFromCode ").append(s3).toString());
Final version of list_contents_submit.htm
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> List the Contents</title> <$include std_html_head_declarations$> <script type="text/javascript"> var ListdID=""; var ListdDocName=""; </script> </head> <$include body_def$> <$include std_page_begin$> <$include std_header$> <body> <input type=hidden name=idcToken value="<$ idcToken $>"> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width="30%" style="font-weight:bold;"><strong>List of contents </strong></td> <table class="xuiPageHeadingCell" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="" border="2"> <tr> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width="30%" style="font-weight:bold;"><strong>ContentID</strong></td> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width="30%" style="font-weight:bold;"><strong>dID</strong></td> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width=auto style="font-weight:bold;"><strong>User</strong></td> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width=auto style="font-weight:bold;"><strong>Release Date</strong></td> </tr> <$loop SearchResults$> <script type="text/javascript"> ListdID = ListdID + <$dID$> + ' ' ; ListdDocName = ListdDocName + "<$dDocName$>" + ' '; </script> <tr> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width="30%"><strong><$dDocName$><strong></td> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width="30%"><strong><$dID$><strong></td> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width=auto><strong><$dUser$></strong></td> <td class="xuiPageHeadingText" align=center width=auto><strong><$dDocCreatedDate$></strong></td> </tr> <$endloop$> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(ListdID); document.write(ListdDocName); </script> <br style="line-height:10px"> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=400> <caption align=top><h4 class=pageTitle>Provide new metadata for bulk update </h4></caption> <form name="updateform" action="<$HttpCgiPath$>" method="POST"> <input type=hidden name=IdcService value="BULKUPDATE_CONTENTS"> <input type=hidden name=ListdID > <input type=hidden name=ListdDocName > <tr> <td><span class=tableEntry>Update Query:</span></td> <td><input type=text size=50 name="Uquery"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center colspan=2> <input type=submit name=submit value="Submit" onclick="intialize()" /> <input type=reset name=reset value=" Reset "/> </td> <script type="text/javascript"> function intialize(){ document.updateform.ListdID.value = ListdID; document.updateform.ListdDocName.value = ListdDocName; } </script> </tr> </tr> </form> </table> <$include std_page_end$> </body> </html>
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